Friday, January 30, 2009

London so far

Sorry its taken a while for me to update this, I have just been really busy these past few days getting situated. This place is amazing so far, I have loved every second of it, and I am so glad that I decided to come. I have already made a number of new friends and have been going out to local pubs and things of that sort. The people are so nice and welcoming, I got myself lost walking around Kingston for three hours the other day and everyone was so helpful. I have a feeling I will lose about 10 pounds while I am here, because of the massive amounts of walking that I am doing. The campus is about a 30 minute walk from my house, and so are most of the things in the town. I guess I will be making up on physical activity that I have been slacking on these past twenty years. I can't say I am the biggest fan of the food so far, although I am pretty obsessed with fish and chips at the moment. I am surprised about the amount of American influence there is over here, I didn't really expect to see a KFC within twenty minutes of getting off the plane on Tuesday. My jetlag wasn't too awful, I have been trying to get enough sleep but it will probably hit me in a few days. I got my schedule yesterday, and Im taking Focus on Britain, British Life and Culture and Beyond Subcultures and am going to classes on Wednesday and Friday...which is a pretty sweet schedule if you ask me! Yesterday orientation was from about 9 till 6 last night, and no real break for food. Unless you consider a cheese & coleslaw sandwich food....I do not. We went to the Slug & Lettuce for our welcome reception where the international office ordered appetizers and drinks for us all. We all then migrated to the Ram (local pub) which was too crowded so we moved to the Kingston Mill. Today we had our tour of Central London, which was UNBELIEVABLE! It was so amazingly gorgeous, although I found out today that I can never marry a prince...which kind of cramped my mood haha. Afterward we went to a pub and got some fish and chips and drinks. I must say my friend Anna and I were pretty savvy with the underground and train today. I am pretty impressed with myself. Tomorrow is our trip to Brighton which Im sure will be amazing much love!!



Monday, January 26, 2009

ATL Airport

So Im sitting in the Atlanta airport right now, and honestly just so exhausted. My flights in about 2 hours or so. Then I will be sleeping until I arrive in England! I already miss everyone so much but know I am about to have so much fun :-)

Sunday, January 18, 2009

8 Days To Go

Hey! It's my first entry and I have about a week left to get everything together before setting off for the U.K. My mom, Brianna and I went out shopping today to get myself a new laptop and digital camera. Which was all just oh so very exciting haha. But other than that not much else to report, just very excited!!