Tuesday, February 3, 2009

First Week Down

Hey! Sorry Im no good at updating this thing, I have just been so busy <3.>

Well Saturday was the Brighton trip. It was so beautiful, I loved it. It was so eclectic and vibrant. But very very cold, I don't think I have ever been that cold in my life. But it was still a lot of fun. We went to the Royal Pavillion and got a tour around the Palace which was so gorgeous. There was a lot of asian focus and dragons and things of that sort. They even had Queen Victorias toliet out on display...which I kind of thought was unnecessary haha. I couldn't take any pictures in the pavillion so must of mine are from the outside. For lunch my friend Anna and Val and I went and got indian food. We went to an indian buffet it was about 5 pounds for all you can eat. And it was well worth it. I love curry and everything else they had. It was delicious. Later that night we went to a few of the pubs and had a good bit of fun with that. Sunday was the traditional Sunday lunch at the Bishop out of residence in Kingston. I had roast beef, potatos, greens and this pastry thing. After that I had bread and butter pudding which I surprisingly loved unlike some of the others. After lunch we went shopping for a few things and then it started to snow so must of us stayed in for the night. That night, London had its biggest snowfall in about 18 years, it was absolutely gorgeous! I only have classes on Wednesday and Friday but all of my other friends had their classes cancelled yesterday and today which has been pretty fun. But what we didn't realize yesterday was that all of the buses stopped running so we were all stranded at our various lodgings. The buses started running again around 6 last night so we all decided to go get some food and get out of our houses for a while. My friends Anna, Carolyn, Kaitlin and I took our first bus ride into Surbiton a town right outside Kingston where many of the other study abroad kids live. We ate at the Coronation Hall Pub and then went home. Today we went to Wagamamas...kind of like a Stir Crazy, and that was delicious. I think were gonna go see Revolutionary Road tonight since we will be having school tomorrow haha. O and they have these amazing things here that are hot milkshakes. This place shakeaway has like 99 different flavors of milkshakes like tic-tac, starburst, chocolate chip coke, chocolate muffin anything you can think of and they serve them all hot. Most amazing thing I have ever eaten. Im a little obsessed. But love and miss you all!!

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